Monday, November 23, 2009

009 - Religulous

Director: Larry Charles
Year: 2008

I do not watch Bill Maher's show usually, but I do support his views on most topics. In the film, Maher takes on global religion. He travels all around interviewing members of several faiths both followers and those preaching the particular faiths. The film is obviously liberal slanted, but you have to at least see where he is coming from with some of his questions and interviews. Maher asks some of the simplest questions and can never find the answers.

He takes on religion and basically rips it apart. He does not come out and say religions are bogus, but rather uses his interviewees to do the talking. It is the interviewees that truly show you his beliefs on religion. Question after question is answered differently by each religion or no answer is found.

Although this film may not be for anyone overly religious, I still recommend it. Not as a film that my offend or insult your faith, but as an eye opener. You may or may not like the film, but it is worth seeing the overview of the religions of the world and how none of them jive with one another.

Larry Charles's RELIGULOUS (2008)

008 - Metal: A Headbanger's Journey

Director: Sam Dunn
Year: 2005

As the title suggests this film follows Sam Dunn around the world as he explores the world of metal. Sam sets out on a global journey to find out why metal is consistently stereotyped, dismissed and condemned. Dunn also explores the roots of metal including sexuality, religion, violence and death.

This film is made by metaheads for metalheads. No matter your metal of choice, Dunn's rockumentary is worth a watch. Some of the most famous names in the metal world make appearance and some are interviewed. This film is not for everyone, as Dunn, a metalhead, states it perectly in the line, "you either feel it or you don't. If metal doesn't give that overwhelming surge of power that makes the hair stand up at the back of your neck, you might never get it, and you know what? That's okay, because judging by the 40,000 metalheads around me we're doing just fine without you."


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

007 - At the Death House Door

Director: Peter Gilbert
Year: 2008

I have been on a documentary craze lately... I randomly found this on Netflix instant queue, but I am so glad I did. I don't really care what your stance is on the death penalty, watch this film. Many times throughout the film I found myself shaking my head in disgust at things that have happened in Huntsville, TX.

The film follows reverend Pickett who was the chaplain to those on death row at Hunstville prison. The film dives into Pickett's life as he struggled with his job of overseeing almost 100 inmates be put to death. Most of the inmates he was with were guilty, or at least they were found guilty. It is when the film begins to focus on the Carlos DeLuna, the man who today is believed to have been not guilty. And if that wasn't rough enough, the film finishes with how his job has affected his life and his family.

Very touching, moving, and simply sad ..... but definitely worth a look.

Peter Gilbert's AT THE DEATH HOUSE DOOR (2008)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

006 - The Jacket

Director: John Maybury
Year: 2005

I went to see The Jacket thinking it was a war film about a soldier who basically went crazy. I did not know too much going into this film. Boy was I wrong... sort of.

The film follows, Jack Starks, a Gulf War vet who is shot in the head, as he adjusts to life after the war. Jack suffers from amnesia and finds himself accused of murdering a police officer which lands him in a mental institution. At the institution, Jack becomes the subject of experimental drugs that allow his mind to travel into the future. In the future, Jack discovers that he is to die in four days and is from then on determined to find out how he dies.

I was expecting a war movie with one of my favorite actors (Adrien Brody). What I got was a battle between a man and his mind, a love story, a mystery, drama, and time travel. I am not really sure what all to say about that fact. I loved the film in theaters, and every time I watch it I sit there and wonder. Starks finds out he dies by letting his mind time travel while he is in a morgue drawer. It sounds like the craziest thing ever, but in the end the film is amazing and quite moving. Check it out.

John Maybury's THE JACKET (2005)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

005 - Dark City

Director: Alex Proyas
Year: 1998

Rent or Netflix this film. Dark City is one of my top favorite films, and yet I do not know a single person who knew of it before I told them about it.

The film follows John Murdoch, a man struggling to remember his past while living in a world with no sun. The world is run by telekinetic beings that control time and the physical world around them. Night after night the beings study humans to understand the human soul and reveal what it is that makes us human.

Throughout the film viewers slowly get more and more of the story and even after watching it numerous times I still find myself noticing little things here and there. I love the dark science fiction and mystery meets early 1900s theme and I have to mention it has probably my favorite actress, Jennifer Connelly.

Dark City is one of the most unique and original films ever and is a great viewing no matter how much you love or hate science fiction films.

Alex Proya's DARK CITY (1998)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

004 - Starchaser: The Legend of Orin

Director: Steven Hahn
Year: 1985

I don't really know what it is about this film, but I love it. Think Star Wars but less crazy Jedi stuff. The film follows Orin, a slave in the mine-world under the evil ruler Zygon who fights back with a magical sword he finds while digging. While escaping the mine-world, Orin runs into a smuggler named Dagg who helps him take down Zygon.

The film borders on outlaw animation and is at times a dark and gritty film. There is some violence, language, and some suggestive scenes all of which are surprising for a PG film. Yes it is animated, but it is a great movie for kids and adults. It is a quick watch and well worth it.

Steven Hahn's STARCHASER (1985)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

003 - Death Race 2000

Director: Paul Bartel
Year: 1975

First, this is not the recent Death Race film that came out in 2008. The 2008 film has a similar idea, and is basically a twist/re-make of this film.

The film is about a national race where the object of the race is come in first, but you also get points for hitting and killing people with your car. The plot is kind of random and the film is a B movie at best, but that is what is so good about it.

Cars with weapons, violence, political commentary, Sylvester Stallone & David Carradine all come together to make the low budget film an amazing cult film. Nothing flashy or special, but I like it.

And on a side note, if you know of it, this film is basically the film version of the PC game Carmageddon.

Paul Bartel's DEATH RACE 2000 (1975)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

002 - Ninth Gate

Director: Roman Polanski
Year: 1999

I am not a crazy Johnny Depp fan, but I do have to say he fits the role of the back-stabbing rare book dealer perfectly in Ninth Gate. The film followers Depp's character as he tries to authenticate a book that is supposedly written by the Devil.

The film has a little bit of everything: romance, horror, science fiction, drama, mystery, etc... Ninth Gate was one of my first DVD purchases and I can't even imagine how many times I have watched the film. It is a solid 2 hour of thrills and mystery and definitely worth a viewing.

On a side note I guess it was released on DVD recently, but I am not sure if the new version has any added content, but nonetheless check out the film.

Roman Polanski's NINTH GATE (1999)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

001 - Bad Taste

Director: Peter Jackson
Year: 1987

When people think Peter Jackson they probably think of the fat guy that made Lord of the Rings, but there was a time when he was a little skinnier and completely unknown to the world.

Bad Taste is Jackson's first film and one of my favorite films of all time. In a nutshell aliens take over a town and convert the human population to a recipe for their intergalactic fast food joint.

Yeah..... it sounds terrible. But the bad plot, no budget, and the fact the film was made with a group of buddies over a long period of time give the film its charm. Maybe not the best film, but it is definitely worth a watch if you are looking for some laughs, violence, and exploding sheep. Yeah, Exploding Sheep!!

Peter Jackson's BAD TASTE (1987)


With a larger dvd collection and Netflix, I am always watching movies. I find some that are terrible, some that are ok, and some that are amazing. I am making this blog simply to give people some films that may not get the Hollywood advertisement, but are worth a look.

I am not sure how often I will update this site, but I will try my best to continuously list films that you may want to look into.