Wednesday, August 19, 2009

002 - Ninth Gate

Director: Roman Polanski
Year: 1999

I am not a crazy Johnny Depp fan, but I do have to say he fits the role of the back-stabbing rare book dealer perfectly in Ninth Gate. The film followers Depp's character as he tries to authenticate a book that is supposedly written by the Devil.

The film has a little bit of everything: romance, horror, science fiction, drama, mystery, etc... Ninth Gate was one of my first DVD purchases and I can't even imagine how many times I have watched the film. It is a solid 2 hour of thrills and mystery and definitely worth a viewing.

On a side note I guess it was released on DVD recently, but I am not sure if the new version has any added content, but nonetheless check out the film.

Roman Polanski's NINTH GATE (1999)

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