Thursday, June 3, 2010

015 - Sunshine

Director: Danny Boyle
Year: 2007

This is same Danny Boyle that made 28 Days Later and Slumdog Millionaire so you have to at least give this film a chance.

50 years into the future mankind's extinction is threatened because the Sun starts to die. Its warming strength is fading and Earth is beginning to freeze. In order to kick start the Sun a team of astronauts is sent on a mission to, in a nutshell, set off a bomb inside the Sun but the team fails and communication is lost. Seven years later another team is sent on the same mission.

As with every Armageddon-type film, the missions has some issues and oversights that lead to team members dying. I wont go into the details but eventually the second team meets up with the lost first team only to find something still aboard the ship.

This film was a random Netflix find. I was surprised to find out that Boyle directed this and yet I had never heard of it. But nonetheless the story is entertaining and the film has a good cast. Now, of course since it's an Armageddon film there is a laundry list of cliches that you have to put up with:

- One guy's goof puts the entire mission in danger
- "Advanced" computer AI that disobeys humans and ultimately is worthless
- Poor ship design. Example: Overrides to things in areas that get you killed
- One person has to stay behind and push a button or hit a switch
- Everyone makes illogical decisions or jump to conclusions

BUT with all of that said, the film is still entertaining and worth a watch.

Danny Boyle's SUNSHINE (2007)

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