Sunday, September 5, 2010

026 - Canadian Bacon

Director: Michael Moore
Year: 1995

A 5.7 on IMDB?!?! They really don't know what they're talking aboot, eh? Michael Moore and John Candy team up in this one so you know it is going to be good.

Ok, so the President's ratings are dipping and to jump start the economy and his ratings he decides going to war with Canada is the best chance the USA has. However, this sort of back fires when Niagra Fall Sheriff Bud B. Boomer takes things a little too far. He and his crew of misfits sneak across the border and take it to those Canucks.

Aside from the goofy story this film is full of social commentary. The economy is in the tank. The president is visiting the Niagra Falls area and the only crowd there is there to purchase useless weaponry left over from the cold war. Ground to Air missiles, automatic rifles, chemical weapons, and much more going for mere dollars to the trigger happy Niagra Fall folk. Incentive programs paying officers who talk people out of jumping off the Falls 25 dollars and 50 if they have to retrieve the body. The citizens of Niagra Falls taking arms against the Canucks now all of sudden standing behind their president in a time of war. The film certainly was the start of Moore's commentary works.

The film is full of a great cast and great one-liners. Check it out.

Michael Moore's CANADIAN BACON (1995)

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