Wednesday, September 8, 2010

027 - Time After Time

Director: Nicholas Meyer
Year: 1979

This was a random Netflix stream, and I am glad I took a chance on this one.

The film picks up as H. G. Wells invents a time machine. One of his colleagues, who happens to be Jack the Ripper, steals his time machine and travels to the year 1979. However, due to a safety device on the time machine the machine returns to Wells in 1893 without his colleague. Wells travels through time to chase down the Ripper where he meets a women who turns out to be one of Jack's targets. Wells must stop Jack the Ripper from killing more women and save the life of his new-found love.

The story is a little strange, but it is pulled off very well by a great cast. Malcolm McDowell (Clockwork Orange) as Wells, David Warner (Tron) as Jack, and Mary Steenburgen (Back to the Future 3) as Amy all come together to make this off-the-wall SciFi shine. Check it out.

Nicholas Meyer's TIME AFTER TIME (1979)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

026 - Canadian Bacon

Director: Michael Moore
Year: 1995

A 5.7 on IMDB?!?! They really don't know what they're talking aboot, eh? Michael Moore and John Candy team up in this one so you know it is going to be good.

Ok, so the President's ratings are dipping and to jump start the economy and his ratings he decides going to war with Canada is the best chance the USA has. However, this sort of back fires when Niagra Fall Sheriff Bud B. Boomer takes things a little too far. He and his crew of misfits sneak across the border and take it to those Canucks.

Aside from the goofy story this film is full of social commentary. The economy is in the tank. The president is visiting the Niagra Falls area and the only crowd there is there to purchase useless weaponry left over from the cold war. Ground to Air missiles, automatic rifles, chemical weapons, and much more going for mere dollars to the trigger happy Niagra Fall folk. Incentive programs paying officers who talk people out of jumping off the Falls 25 dollars and 50 if they have to retrieve the body. The citizens of Niagra Falls taking arms against the Canucks now all of sudden standing behind their president in a time of war. The film certainly was the start of Moore's commentary works.

The film is full of a great cast and great one-liners. Check it out.

Michael Moore's CANADIAN BACON (1995)

025 - GI Joe: The Movie

Director: Don Jurwich
Year: 1987

Everyone knows the story of the all-American heroes fighting the ruthless terrorist organization called Cobra. But not everyone knows of the full length animated film of 1987.

In the film the Cobra organization teams up with the people of the Cobra-La led by Golobulus. The people of Cobra-La are a sort of underground snake(ish) people who want to mutate mankind so they are no longer outsiders. To mutate the human race Cobra-La release deadly spores into space and have the spores rain down on the Earth mutating every man, women, and child. In order to ripen in space, however, the spores need energy and it just so happens that the Joes have been developing the Broadcast Energy Transmitter (BET, lol) which will do the job. Cobra steals the BET, the Joes fight back and have to save the planet.

It is a similar story but who cares. It is a full length GI Joe movie from the 80s and it has Sgt. Slaughter from the WWF play Sgt Slaughter! It can't get any better. And for a nice change of pace there are actual injuries in the film. As with the cartoon show, you normally only see the vehicles blow up and the drivers just make it away, but in this film there is at least one major injury and a few deaths! GI Joe stepped it up on this one! So forget the abortion GI Joe: Rise of Cobra that came out recently and check out the 1987 cartoon version in all its glory.

YO JOE!!!!

Don Jurwich's G.I. JOE: THE MOVIE (1987)

024 - The Wrestler

Director: Darren Aronofsky
Year: 2008

Most of my previous reviews have been about films that don't get the credit they deserve or get torn apart by reviews unfairly. The Wrestler does not fall into either of those groups. The film is well-received and has made plenty of profit. But I have to wonder why then has nobody seen this film?

The wrestler follow Randy 'The Ram' Robinson who in present day is a washed up professional wrestler. He lives alone in a trailer and works part time at supermarket. Things take a turn for the worse, however, when Randy suffers a major heart attack in the wrestler dressing room. From here on out Randy is forbidden to wrestler for fear it may kill him. Randy decides to retire and tries to get back in touch with his daughter and wishes to move in with a stripper that he falls in love with. All this time however Randy is looking for one more chance to get back in the ring.

Mickey Rourke could not have played this role any better. He portrays the beat-to-hell old father as well as the roid-raged wrestler perfectly. You want to see him succeed and you want things to work out for him. With every watching of the film I find myself thinking about just how lucky I am to have what I have. Randy is a man who had everything in his early life and yet as an old man is poor, sick, and alone.

Certainly an emotional film but worth it.

Darren Aronofsky's THE WRESTLER (2008)